On going Projects
Project on Regulating Plastic Waste in Sri Lanka
Implemented by the Public Interest Law Foundation through support from USAID Clean Cities, Blue Ocean

The Public Interest Law Foundation(PILF) commenced implementing the project on Regulating Plastic Waste in Sri Lanka in October 2021. This project is supported by a grant from USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) program. The objective of the project is to improve the regulatory environment for plastic waste management. This includes advancing national efforts to implement Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Sri Lanka. Through its objective the project will help to reduce plastic waste entering Sri Lanka’s marine environment and support the country’s National Plastic Waste Management Action Plan (2021 to 2030).
The project’s Focus Areas are:
Focus Area 1
Drafting Proposals for Law Reform to Strengthen Local Authority Management of Plastic Waste
Focus Area 2
Drafting Regulations for EPR on Prioritized Plastic Items
Focus Area 2
Drafting Regulations for EPR on Prioritized Plastic Items
Focus Area 3
Creating Guidelines for the Management of Non-Hazardous/Non-infectious Hospital Plastic and Polythene Waste
Focus Area 3
Creating Guidelines for the Management of Non-Hazardous/Non-infectious Hospital Plastic and Polythene Waste
Each of the above-named Focus Areas is comprised of a set of activities which will be completed to achieve their outputs.
The project is implemented in close coordination with relevant key government agencies responsible for the subjects under the three Focus Areas given above and these are the Ministry of Environment (MOE), State Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Government (referred to as MOLG), Ministry of Health (MOH), Central Environmental Authority (CEA) and the Western Province Waste Management Authority (WPWMA).
Commencing the project activities, PILF briefed the MOE, CEA, MOLGand WPWMA on the project.In relation to Drafting Proposals for Law Reform to Strengthen Local Authority Management of Plastic Waste (Focus Area 1) the research commenced with a Literature Survey. The objective of the Literature Survey is to identify and collect the relevant laws, regulations, provincial statutes, by-laws including standard by-laws etc., specific to the management and enforcement of plastic waste by Local Authorities. PILF has now completed the Literature Survey and will proceed to analyze the legal instruments identified in terms of the literature survey and recommend the best possible approach towards reaching the intended objective of proposing law reform to strengthen Local Authority management of plastic waste.
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